HVAC Choices for Student Health & Learning

6 Benefits of Modern HVAC Systems

Here is how these efficient and cost-effective modern systems promote health and safe- guard students’ opportunity to learn.

Key Impacts & Big Ideas

These are the big ideas that every education system leader and stakeholder engaging on the topic of improving school HVAC systems should understand.

Watch the Webinar

What Policymakers, School Leaders, and Advocates Need to Know

Together with our partners at RMI, we released this new report which makes a strong case for transitioning to all-electric, high-performance HVAC systems in America’s schools.

“HVAC Choices for Student Health and Learning,” shares big ideas relating to school HVAC technology, offers a framework for evaluating costs and obtaining funding, and provides an overview of the benefits that come with all-electric HVAC systems.

Three takeaways from our report:

  • HVAC systems are a cornerstone of healthy and comfortable schools that support student well-being and academic performance.

  • Schools, students & communities benefit from modern HVAC systems that are all electric and high performance.

  • School leaders have a generational opportunity to choose all-electric, high-performance HVAC systems thanks to new funding opportunities, most notably, the Inflation Reduction Act.

Supporting Organizations

The following organizations have agreed to support the wide dissemination of the report:

Contact sara@undauntedk12.org, to learn more about joining as a Supporting Organization.