Click on the map for articles about school districts that have closed due to extreme weather

Note: This map shows school closures reported by local or state news agencies from 2021 to 2023. The red pins represent school closures caused by extreme heat or wildfires, while the blue pins represent the rest of school closures that have occurred due to extreme weather events. The map is a work-in-progress and we estimate that it underrepresents the total number of school closures that occurred due to heat and other extreme weather events.

“A decade ago, school districts canceled schools for heat an average of three or four days per year, according to research by Paul Chinowsky, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Colorado who led a study last year of schools and rising temperatures… That figure has about doubled, to six or seven days annually.

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In the news…

Heatwaves: How Extreme Heat Impacts Students and Educators by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council